The commercial version of the ultra low-cost Aakash tablet is likely to arrive in the market by January end next year. The tablet was earlier scheduled to hit shelves by the end of November. Confirming the delay, a spokesperson of DataWind, the Canada-based firm manufacturing the tablet, tells The Mobile Indian that an “improved version” of the Aakash tablet will be available in the retail outlets by next month end. The spokesperson further said that the availability of the tablet was delayed due to upgradation in the tablet and some problems with manufacturing.
To refresh your memory, the Aakash tablet, touted as the world's cheapest tablets, features Android 2.2 Froyo operating system, 256 MB of RAM and 2 GB of internal memory. Other notable features of the Aakash tablet include a 7-inch display with 800 x 480 pixel resolution, resistive touchscreen, GPRS and Wi-Fi support. For more details, read Your guide to the new $35 Aakash Tablet.
The fresh updates on the Aakash tablet come weeks after reports claimed that DataWind in partnership with Reliance Industries is prepping an ultra low-cost 4G tablet, to be priced between Rs. 4,000-5,000. Reliance is supposed to launch 4G in India next year. DataWind has high hopes from its ultra low-cost 4G tablet. The company has previously said it could expand tablet production by setting up a production plant in China, which is also likely to help maintain the cost advantage.
However, the delay in the launch of the Aakash tablet could delay the launch of DataWind's 4G tablet.